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CAT: 1.Four legged mammal, CAT family (eg:Tiger) 2.Management entrance exam for the premier businees schools in India esp. IIM's

CATalyst: 1.Facilitator of chemical reactions but doesnt take part in it. 2.Coaching institutes that give lots of gyaan on CAT

CAT-astrophe: 1.Calamity 2. A state in which, barring the top 1500,all CAT takers find themselves post CAT.

CAT-holic:1.Follower of sect of christianity,believed to have its roots in Rome or Vatican. 2.Addicted(holic: see Alcoholic for more info) to CATs or mock CAT(see above), a stage of life all CAT aspirants goes thru.

- Contributed by Renji


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